Prof. Dr. Julia Hartmann
Professor for Sustainability Management
Insights from Research
Sustainability for the C-Suite
Tackling sustainability at the corporate level has a huge risk mitigation capacity. Learn which corporate risks can be reduced through stronger engagement in sustainability and how.

Sustainable Supply Chain
Gain insights into consumer expectations about the environmental and social performance of the products they buy and lean how to improve sustainability in the upstream value chain.

Energy Transition
What is the role of companies from the oil and gas sector in making the transition to renewable energy possible?

About me
I am Professor for Sustainability Management at EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht (EBS) in Germany. I hold a habilitation and doctoral degree from EBS, a Master of Science degree in Strategic Management from Université Lumière Lyon II (France), and a Master of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, Human and Social Sciences from Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany).
My research covers strategic management of environmetal, social, and governance issues. My papers have been accepted for publication in leading academic journals including Academy of Management Discoveries, Journal of Operations Management and Journal of Business Ethics, as well as in practitioner-oriented outlets such as Harvard Business Manager and Die Volkswirtschaft.
Academic achievements include several noteworthy distinctions. I secured an endowed chair from Dachser Group SE & Co. KG and funding for a research stay at Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). I earned two awards for outstanding publication achievements and one from the EBS student body for excellence in the classroom.